Function Reference


Creates an Edit control for the GUI.

GUICtrlCreateEdit ( "text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] )



text The text of the control.
left The left side of the control. If -1 is used then left will be computed according to GUICoordMode.
top The top of the control. If -1 is used then top will be computed according to GUICoordMode.
width [optional] The width of the control (default is the previously used width).
height [optional] The height of the control (default is the previously used height).
style [optional] Defines the style of the control. See GUI Control Styles Appendix.

forced styles : $ES_MULTILINE, $WS_TABSTOP only if not $ES_READONLY
exStyle [optional] Defines the extended style of the control. See Extended Style Table.


Return Value

Success: Returns the identifier (controlID) of the new control.
Failure: Returns 0.



To obtain the value of the control see GUICtrlRead.
To set or change information in the control see GUICtrlSet....

To combine styles with the default style use BitOr($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_EDIT, newstyle,...).

If you want to drag & drop a filename onto this control just add the WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES extended style on the GUICreate() and set the state to $GUI_DROPACCEPTED.
Multiple selected files will be dropped as separate lines.

Default resizing is $GUI_DOCKAUTO size and position will occur.

Creating a RichEdit control is too complex so it will not be included as a basic control.
You have to use the GuiCtrlCreateObj. See the second example if you need to have a RichEdit control.



GUICoordMode (Option), GUICtrlSetData, GUICtrlSetState, GUIGetMsg, GUICtrlRead



#include <GUIConstants.au3>

GUICreate("My GUI edit")  ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered

$myedit=GUICtrlCreateEdit ("First line"& @CRLF, 176,32,121,97,$ES_AUTOVSCROLL+$WS_VSCROLL)

GUISetState ()

; will be append dont' forget 3rd parameter
GUICtrlSetData ($myedit, "Second line",1)

; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed
While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop

; Rich edit control EXAMPLE using GUICtrlCreateObj

; Author: Kσre Johansson
; AutoIt Version:
; Description: Very Simple example: Embedding RICHTEXT object
; Needs: MSCOMCT2.OCX in system32 but it's probably already there
; Date: 3 jul 2005

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
$oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc")

$oRP = ObjCreate("RICHTEXT.RichtextCtrl.1")

GUICreate("Embedded RICHTEXT control Test", 320, 200, -1, -1,BitOr($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,$WS_VISIBLE,$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
$TagsPageC = GuiCtrlCreateLabel('Visit Tags Page', 5, 180, 100, 15, $SS_CENTER)
$AboutC = GUICtrlCreateButton('About',105,177,70,20)
$PrefsC = GUICtrlCreateButton('FontSize',175,177,70,20)
$StatC = GUICtrlCreateButton('Plain Style',245,177,70,20)

$GUIActiveX = GUICtrlCreateObj( $oRP, 10, 10 , 400 , 260 )

With $oRP; Object tag pool
.Font = 'Arial'
.text = "Hello - Au3 supports ActiveX components like the RICHTEXT thanks to SvenP" & @CRLF & 'Try write some text and quit to reload'
;.FileName = @ScriptDir & '\RichText.rtf'
;.BackColor = 0xff00

GUISetState ();Show GUI

While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
        Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
            $oRP.SaveFile( @ScriptDir & "\RichText.rtf", 0 )
        Case $msg = $TagsPageC
            Run(@ComSpec & ' /c start{3B7C8860-D78F-101B-B9B5-04021C009402}','', @SW_HIDE)
        Case $msg = $AboutC
        Case $msg = $PrefsC
            $oRP.SelFontSize = 12
        Case $msg = $StatC
            $oRP.SelBold = False
            $oRP.SelItalic = False
            $oRP.SelUnderline = False
            $oRP.SelFontSize = 8


Func MyErrFunc()


  Msgbox(0,"AutoItCOM Test","We intercepted a COM Error !"       & @CRLF  & @CRLF & _
             "err.description is: "    & @TAB & $oMyError.description    & @CRLF & _
             "err.windescription:"     & @TAB & $oMyError.windescription & @CRLF & _
             "err.number is: "         & @TAB & $HexNumber              & @CRLF & _
             "err.lastdllerror is: "   & @TAB & $oMyError.lastdllerror   & @CRLF & _
             "err.scriptline is: "     & @TAB & $oMyError.scriptline     & @CRLF & _
             "err.source is: "         & @TAB & $oMyError.source         & @CRLF & _
             "err.helpfile is: "       & @TAB & $oMyError.helpfile       & @CRLF & _
             "err.helpcontext is: "    & @TAB & $oMyError.helpcontext _
  ; Will automatically continue after 5 seconds
  SetError(1)  ; to check for after this function returns